Würth Elektronik
Würth Elektronik

Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG is a manufacturer of electronic and electromechanical components for the electronics industry. Production sites in Europe, Asia and North America supply a growing number of customers worldwide. The product program encompasses EMC components, inductors, transformers, HF components, varistors, capacitors, power modules, LEDs, plug connectors, power supply elements, wireless power coils, switches, connection technology and fuse holders. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG, together with its specialized affiliated companies, form the Würth Elektronik eiSos Group. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG (Focus: standard components), Würth Elektronik iBE GmbH (Focus: customized passive components for the automotive industry), Würth Elektronik Midcom Inc. (Focus: transformers and custom magnetics), Würth Elektronik Stelvio Kontek S.p.A. (Focus: customized plug connectors), AMBER wireless GmbH (Focus: wireless data transmission solutions) and IQD Frequency Products Ltd (Focus: frequency-control components) form the Würth Elektronik eiSos Group. The group of companies with 6,700 employees generated sales of approx. € 653 million in 2017. The Würth Elektronik eiSos Group is one of the biggest European manufacturers of passive components and operates in 50 countries. The Würth Elektronik eiSos Group is part of the Würth Group, the world market leader for assembly and fastening technology.
Würth Elektronik 相关产品
- 连接器、互连 (4014)
- 桶 - 电源连接器 (16)
- 同轴连接器 (RF) - 配件 (2)
- 同轴连接器 (RF) - 适配器 (27)
- 同轴连接器 (RF) (119)
- D-Sub 连接器 (53)
- D-Sub、D 形连接器 - 配件 (12)
- D-Sub、D 形连接器 - 适配器 (8)
- D-Sub、D 形连接器 - 后壳、护罩 (14)
- D-Sub、D 形连接器 - 外壳 (2)
- FFC、FPC(扁平柔性)连接器 (173)
- 内存连接器 - PC 卡插槽 (22)
- 模块化连接器 - 配件 (9)
- 模块化连接器 - 带磁性的插孔 (112)
- 模块化连接器 - 插孔 (58)
- 矩形连接器 - 阵列、边缘类型、夹层(板对板) (11)
- 矩形连接器 - 板入,直接线对板 (30)
- 矩形连接器 - 触点 (23)
- 矩形连接器 - 自由悬挂,面板安装 (57)
- 矩形连接器 - 接头、公插针 (576)
- 矩形连接器 - 接头、插座、母插座 (200)
- 矩形连接器 - 外壳 (106)
- 分流器,跳线 (12)
- 固态照明连接器 (8)
- 接线端子 - 附件 - 标记条 (24)
- 接线端子 - 配件 (5)
- 接线端子 - 接头、插头和插座 (1233)
- 接线端子 - 线对板 (815)
- 端子 - 配件 (6)
- 端子 - PC 针,单柱连接器 (4)
- 端子 - 快速连接器、快速断开连接器 (63)
- 端子 - 环形连接器 (19)
- 端子 - 螺丝连接器 (117)
- USB、DVI、HDMI 连接器 - 配件 (15)
- USB、DVI、HDMI 连接器 (63)